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Selasa, 26 Juli 2011

New Game dari Lyto "ALLODS"

Produsen game Lyto kembali mengeluarkan salah satui game MMORPG yang di beri nama "ALLODS".  Game ini akan memasuki tahap close beta pada tanggal 4 Agustus 2011 jam 12.00..

Diharapkan dari semua fans game Lyto untuk mencoba demi kesempurnaan game ini kelak.
Info baca di sini

game peperangan 2 negara dengan 6 ras berbeda...

Open Beta Winning Goal

Winning goal salah satu game dari Mobius telah memasuki masa Open Beta pata tanggal 20 Juli 2011 dengan maskot nya "Ronaldikin".
Guna menyambut datangnya masa open beta maka dibuka nya event untuk meramaikan diantaranya 


Syarat dan ketentuan :
    • Coach mencapai level 60
    • Kompetisi berlangsung selama 3 bulan

    HADIAH :

    • Peringkat 1 akan mendapatkan hadiah utama berupa Ziio Tablet
    • Peringkat 2 akan mendapatkan hadiah Baju Bola Original
    • Peringkat 3 akan mendapatkan hadiah Voucher Playpoint Rp.300.000

    Syarat dan ketentuan :
    • Minimal 17.000 Goal
    • Kompetisi berlangsung selama 2 bulan

    HADIAH :

    • Peringkat 1 akan mendapatkan hadiah utama berupa Apple iPod Touch
    • Peringkat 2 akan mendapatkan hadiah Baju Bola Original
    • Peringkat 3 akan mendapatkan hadiahVoucher Playpoint Rp.300.000


    Syarat dan ketentuan :
    • Exhibition Win Minimal 400
    • Persentase Kemenangan 80 %
    • Kompetisi berlangsung selama 2 bulan

    HADIAH :

    • Peringkat 1 akan mendapatkan hadiah utama berupa Kodak Playsport
    • Peringkat 2 akan mendapatkan hadiah Baju Bola Original
    • Peringkat 3 akan mendapatkan hadiah Voucher Playpoint Rp.300.000

    Ayo buruan pada daftar...Gratis !!!!!
    daftar di sini

    Kamis, 07 Juli 2011

    Tourist attractions in Temanggung, Central Java

    • Jumprit.
    Jumprit located 1-2km from Ngadirejo or 25km from Temanggung is a place with springs that never dry. So that the place becomes a holy place for Buddhist where jumprit a sacred spring to the celebration of Vesak Day. The water was taken and brought to the Borobudur temple for the occasion of Vesak. In addition to having springs on Jumprit there are also several herds of monkeys according to locals it is the word monkey imitation. Not far from there Jumprit pine forests that are used by the government as the Javanese eagle preservation or about calling it "alap-alap".

     right side gate jumprit
     The main gate jumprit
     pine forest gate
     road to jumprit
     pine forest

    • Gondosuli Temple, Pringapus Temple and Liangan Temple.
    Gondosuli temple is located 15 miles from temanggung city while Pringapus Temple is located 25 miles from Temanggung and the liangan temple located 27 miles from Temanggung. This temple was buried by the explosion of the volcano Sindoro. Temple relics of ancient kingdom that recovered due to the excavation of land by surrounding communities. This temple was used by ancient people to pray worship the gods. But access to the temple is very difficult because the location is close to human settlements and infrastructure also means less support. And it takes some investors to work on this cultural heritage site.

     Liangan temple
     Gondosuli temple
     Pringapus Temple

    • Stone Meteorite Monument
    Monumem is located not far from the Parakan city. This monument was built because of a stone meteorite that fell to earth precisely in the village winotirto. The smell of small-sized monument was finally made ​​by the Institute for Science and Technology AKPRIND Yogyakarta which examined the meteorite rocks. In addition to meteorites, here also served mountain scenery is quite beautiful. Unfortunately the road to the monument is in addition too narrow holes and uneven asphalt.

    Stone Meteorite Monument

    • Curug Lawe ( Lawe Waterfall)
    The waterfall is located very far from downtown temanggung about 35-40 km. Waterfall with a natural landscape is almost rarely achieved by visitor due to distant locations, the road to reach the bottom of the waterfall is also very steep. It takes 45-60 minutes to get down the trail until he came down the street. To reach the top of the waterfall is very close About a 15 minute walk. Means are also less supportive, investors are also rarely come because of the lack of information also because they are too distant.

    • Curug Trocoh (Trocoh Waterfall)
    The waterfall is located in the district Wonoboyo or 30 miles from downtown temanggung. Waterfall once used by the public wonoboyo as headquarters for the fight against the invaders long ago because of its strategic location and difficult to reach the opponent. To reach this waterfall takes 45 minutes from the dismissal of the vehicle. Here also in desperate need of investors to build roads and renovate the neighborhood.

    • Pikatan Water park
    Swimming pool, renovated around 2009 is a cool place to play water. In this place are provided a variety of rides for children and adults. Only 7,500 IDR entrance fee for holiday and 6,500 IDR to normal days.

    Because in the city there are many potential temanggung unspoiled by tourism investors, both foreign and domestic. While local governments do not seem able to develop the tourism potential because of limited capital .. are you an investor? Visit Temanggung

    Kamis, 30 Juni 2011

    Rubah lowercase ke UPPERCASE

    Fitur pada MS Word yang sering kali tidak dan bahkan jarang user memperhatikan adalah bagai mana cara merubah text lower menjadi UPPER atau UPPER menjadi lower...
    berikut cara singkatnya..

     Ketikan kata / text yang akan di gunakan / dirubah

    Blok text yang akan dirubah terus pilih menu format

     pilih Change Case, terus akan muncul opsi pilihan text yang akan di rubah...

     pilih UPPERCASE untuk merubah text

    dan hasilnya seperti yang ada di overview...
    Selamat mencoba...dan semoga berguna...

    Naruto Shippuden seri 218 & Bleach 328

    Lanjutan dari seri Naruto Shippuden sebelumnya ...
    Seri ini yang berjudul "Nations on the Move"...
    download here

    Bleach 328
    download here or here

    Rabu, 29 Juni 2011

    Game Edukasi Made in Team

    ARAY GAME di buat karena adanya tuntukan dari pihak kampus untuk syarat kelulusan. Disaat genting itu muncullah 1 team (Asis,Rindang,Antonius,yuda)yang berusaha berjuang untuk lulus. Dan setelah berbulan-bulan lebih tepatnya 12 bulan akhirnya jadilah GAME ARAY ini...

    Game ini ditujukan kepada semua umur baik muda maupun tua yang mau dan ingin untuk belajar bahasa Inggris

    Namun karena keterbatasan waktu akhirnya Game ini blm sempat dicobakan ke masyarakat umum dan kurang sekali mendapat masukan, kritik atau saran demi kemajuan game ini yang akhirnya bisa berguna bagi masyarakat..

    Download disini

    Antivirus HP Nokia dan Sony Ericsson

    26 Antivirus yang digunakan utuk melindungi hape dari berbagai macan virusnya...
    ( tapi mohon maaf sebelumnya ane blm sempat coba smua antivirus ini...^_^)
    download Disini